YORK, PA (WCMH) – A Pennsylvania man may have been exhausted after working all night, but he wasn’t too tired to do his most important job – being a dad.

Andre Palmer’s wife, Amy posted the photo to Facebook, where it has quickly gone viral.

KTRK reports Andre Palmer had just worked all night at his third shift job. When his shift ended, he came straight to his child’s bedside at York Hospital.

“I thought to myself after working all night he didn’t have to come to the hospital,” Amy Palmer told KTRK “He could have went home to sleep.”

She said she was asleep when her husband got in the room, so her husband grabbed a pillow and went to sleep under the crib. When she woke up, she snapped a picture of her Husband and posted it to Facebook.

The picture has gone viral since it was posted, liked more than 3,200 times as of Thursday morning.

Amy says children are in need of good dads like Andre.

In case just looking at the picture makes your back hurt, Amy says she made her husband get into the bed in the room right after she took the picture.