PITTSBURG (KRON)—It has happened again someone thought it was a good idea to multi task while going live on Facebook.
Except this time, the person inadvertently sent out an alert to the wrong person and well this is what happened next.
A while back, I featured people going live on Facebook and Periscope while driving and pointed out the dangers.
One person reached out and said they have changed their ways.
“Yeah it’s kind of dangerous,” the woman said. “I’m not going to lie like he has a point. It is wrong.”
And another went in a slightly different direction. He blocked me.
Just a heads up, if you follow me and then go live on Facebook or Periscope, I get to see first-hand whether you are behaving badly or not.
“Hello Facebook,” the driver said. “I’m on the freeway going home.”
As we progress more and more into the age of technology with Facebook Live and Periscope, it’s important to remember one important rule: don’t drive while live.
It’s a simple rule which doesn’t take much thought.
Do not go live while operating a motor vehicle
I’m using live video from a Facebook follower who is also self-confessed Uber driver, so I hope she was not going live while transporting passengers.
In these video, she appears to be driving herself around the East Bay.
For the record, it’s 100 percent illegal to hold your phone while driving and second it’s 100 percent illegal to hold your phone while driving and going live.
Driving while Facebooking or Periscoping if caught, and honestly it’s not hard to find you if you are driving and showing which freeway you on or what kind of car you drive.
It comes with a $238 fine. Yet surprisingly, there is no point associated with this violation.
But I believe this is because when the law was first enacted, ns one envisioned going live from a phone.
But at the rate we’re going, someone will revised the law to add a point just as soon the crashes start adding up.
The bright side to this story is I gave the driver a heads up that this is dangerous and it appears she had changed he habits.
So she appears to have gone from behaving badly to behaving nicely.
I’ll be watching unless of course she blocks me.