Parents upset after children given pamphlets with tips on safe marijuana use

Some parents are outraged after pamphlets with pointers on how to safely use marijuana ended up in their kids’ hands.  

It happened at a state fair in Colorado.

For the past decade, the Fort family has been participating in the 4-H Youth Livestock show at the state fair.

But this year, they found something odd in their competition bag–a flyer about marijuana.

“Just really shocked me,” parent Amy Fort said. “Would be the equivalent of them saying ‘Hey, if you’re going to drink vodka, this is the proper way to do it. Drink sparingly.'”

The kids got the pamphlet with messages like: ‘Take an edible; take it easy; keep your stash safe and sound.'”

“These packets were being handed out to 8-year-old kids,” parent Janene Turner said.

Turner was outraged, saying kids can’t legally use marijuana, so how did this happen?

“Who decided that was OK for my child?” Turner asked.

The problem solvers reached out to the agency who created the flyers–the Colorado Department of Public Health.

They admit that putting them in the bags was their mistake.

In a statement, they said, “We would like to apologize to any family whose child received the marijuana education materials that were intended for adults.”

But for families like the Forts and Turners, they want assurance this won’t happen again.

“Bottom line–it shouldn’t have been in there and it shouldn’t be in there next year,” Turner said.

The Colorado Health Department said the advertising material and the sponsorship at the fair was a one-time event.