Not to be outdone by French’s Mustard Ice Cream, the folks over at Oscar Mayer are planning to debut an “Ice Dog” sandwich made with hot dog-flavored ice cream and mustard-infused gelato.
“For whom is this foodstuff targeted?” you may ask. Unfortunately, Oscar Mayer has yet to offer any definitive answer to this question.
Instead, the brand tweeted out news of its upcoming “Ice Dog” along with a poll, asking followers if they’d be willing to try the sandwich upon its debut. As of Thursday afternoon, the majority would rather not.
Who eats just mustard @Frenchs? Condiments were made for Oscar Mayer hot dogs. Say hello to the Oscar Mayer Ice Dog Sandwich – flavored ice cream, made with our better hot dogs, sandwiched with spicy mustard. Do you want to try this? Coming in August #OscarMayerIceCream
Press materials for the “Ice Dog” also include a breakdown of the ingredients that make up the sandwich, which is served between a “cookie bun” stuffed with both “spicy Dijon gelato” and “hot dog sweet cream,” the latter of which contains “candied hot dog bits.”
Oscar Mayer is also deploying a Weinermobile on the streets of New York City throughout the week of Aug. 12, to distribute its “Ice Dogs” to the good, unsuspecting people of Manhattan.