OAKLAND (KRON) — Chaos at a carnival in Oakland over the weekend was caught on camera.

The videos show a mob of people at a carnival taking anything they can get their hands on.

It was more than just theft and vandalism. People were actually hurt.

This happened over the weekend near the Oakland Coliseum.

Carnival workers tell KRON4 they lost $30,000 worth of merchandise.

Trying to make ends meet, the workers say they are so scared that KRON4 had to cover their faces and alter their voices for this story.

Carnival employees tell KRON4 hundreds of teenagers were part of this violent mob.

Cellphone video shows teenagers out of control and on the loose, stealing prize after prize at the Butler Carnival held in East Oakland on Saturday night.

Workers are still scared.

“One of our guys got hit with a brick and had to go to the hospital because the guy said you didn’t win and they threw a brick at him,” one worker said.

And that was only some of the violence. This video was posted on Twitter.

In it, a fight broke out. At one point, a young man is just laying on the ground.

No security and no police in sight.

Here is what one woman tweeted:

Workers tell KRON4 that most who stole prize items from the carnival then destroyed them. Pieces are still scattered in the dirt lot where the carnival was held.

At least one worker called this domestic terrorism.

Police say they received multiple calls about a large crowd and disturbance, saying there was possible vandalism and two people who were injured.

Those people were later transferred to the hospital but no arrests were made.

Those who attended summed everything up in one social media video, which said:

“This is in the aftermath of a mob striking at Butler Amusement Park. They just started down here at the end and worked their way up stand by stand, grabbing all the stuffed animals they could. It’s just crazy and they’re still going down there. This is in Oakland, California.”

Police confirm that two people were taken to the hospital in these fights.

Workers that KRON4 talked with said in Fresno, the city brings in metal detectors, something that is not done in Oakland.

But it is something they are hoping for in the future.