OAKLAND (BCN) — A law enforcement officer’s gun was stolen from a car in Oakland this morning, according to police.

The burglary was reported at 9:58 a.m. near a shopping plaza at the intersection of Fruitvale Avenue and East Ninth Street, a few blocks from the Fruitvale BART station, police said.

Oakland police spokeswoman Officer Johnna Watson said the firearm belonged to a law enforcement agency that was not Oakland police, but she did not know which agency.

The theft comes days after University of California police Chief Margo Bennett had her gun, badge, department-issued laptop and other items stolen as she jogged at Point Isabel in Richmond last Friday morning.

Meanwhile, a preliminary hearing continues today for Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, an undocumented immigrant accused of shooting and killing 32-year-old Kathryn Steinle at San Francisco’s Pier 14 on July 1 using a gun stolen from a federal Bureau of Land Management agent’s car.