NORTH RIDGEVILLE, Ohio (AP) — A police officer in a Cleveland suburb posted a message on social media after ticketing an 18-year-old for driving 100 mph in a 65 mph zone.

The officer wrote on Facebook Sunday that he didn’t feel bad about writing the ticket because the teen needs to slow down before causing a fatal crash.

“I can tell you dozens of stories of dead and broken 18 year old bodies that I’ve pulled from cars. Broken bodies that I’ve found in front yards after crashes. Unrecognizable bodies. They thought they were invincible too. They weren’t. They were gone so they missed the part where I had to tell their parents that they were dead. Part of your soul disappears every time you have to tell parents that their kid is dead,” the officer wrote in the post.  

>> You can read the entire post by clicking here

The officer says the reckless teen driver “seemed like a really nice kid who made a bad decision.”

The officer posted a photo of the ticket.