Northern California high school student arrested in fight over MAGA hat

A Northern California high school student has been arrested on Monday in a fight over a “Make America Great Again” hat, police said.

The altercation happened at Union Mine High School in a classroom, officers said. A student started “verbally berating” another student because he or she was wearing a MAGA hat, used by President Donald Trump during his presidential campaign, police said.

The suspect then grabbed the hat off of the other student’s head and threw it to the ground, according to police. The teacher told the “upset” student to leave the classroom.

“The suspect shortly returned to the classroom and escalated the argument for a second time, again removing the victim’s hat. When the teacher held out his arm to keep the upset student away from the victim, the suspect slapped the teacher’s arm,” police said.

The Eldorado County Sheriff’s Office arrested the suspect and took him or her to juvenile hall.

No other information has been released by police.