Weekdays at 11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.
(KARK/NEXSTAR) – President Donald Trump says states should “seriously consider” reopening their public schools before the end of the academic year, even though dozens already have said it would be unsafe for students to return until the summer or fall. Washington reporter Jessi Turnure joins the conversation.
For the full story: CLICK HERE.
Other stories in today’s show:
CONGREGATION PROTESTS: Hundreds of members of Pastor Tony Spell’s Life Tabernacle Church congregation gathered across the street from the Governor’s Mansion on Monday. The demonstrators expressed anger toward law enforcement, and the Governor’s Office for the arrest of Pastor Spell, who is currently on house arrest after failing to agree to bond conditions from a previous arrest for disobeying government powers by still holding in-person church services. WVLA’s Abbi Rocha reports.
For the full story: CLICK HERE.
CORONAVIRUS & DREAMS: More people are reporting strange and vivid dreams during the coronavirus crisis, according to one Alabama sleep study doctor. He says everyone dreams, although some people may not remember their dreams. But right now, more people are remembering. WKRG’s Cherish Lombard reports.
For the full story: CLICK HERE.
ENTERTAINER CONCERNS: In Tennessee, bar owners are anxious to open, but under Mayor John Cooper’s plan, it’ll be weeks, maybe months. WKRN’s Josh Breslow joins in the conversation.
For the full story: CLICK HERE.
Weekdays at 11:30 a.m. EST, Newsfeed Now will be streaming the latest updates on the coronavirus outbreak utilizing our newsrooms across the country. If you miss the live report, you’ll be able to see a replay minutes after the stream ends.