An Oneida County mother has been charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child after her infant was found crawling across Bleecker Street in Utica.

Utica Police say, on Friday night, they were made aware of a Facebook video showing an unattended baby crawling across Bleecker Street.

After seeing a video on social media, police launched an investigation, eventually finding the mother and baby on the 500 block of Milgate Street

The mom, identified as 27-year-old Ledrika E. Ford of Utica, said that she didn’t know how her 9-month-old ended up in the road.

Officers say she told them that the child was secured in the back of a vehicle when they left a location on Bleecker Street, but a short time later she looked at the back seat and saw that the baby was missing.

Ford said she went back to Pellettieri and Bleecker Street, where she found her child. She’s now charged with Endangering the Welfare of a Child.

The baby was evaluated at a local hospital, and Child Protective Services was notified.

All four of four of Ford’s children have been removed from her custody.