New York man says fire department destroyed his drone

COLDENHAM, NY (KRON) — Should a drone be able to film firefighters while they are at work? That’s the question New Yorker John Thompson is asking.

According to his Facebook post, Thompson stopped to get drone video of a structure fire in upstate New York. He says, that while he was shooting the fire, firefighters on scene tried to blow his drone of of the sky with fire hoses.CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO ON FACEBOOK

This video, which has now gone video is spurring conversations of what should and shouldn’t be allowed when it comes to drones.

One person commented “Ok but he doesn’t have the right to record everything escpially (sic) someone’s house in fire that’s rude disrespectful and invasion of privacy.”

Another said, “You were to close to the building. Ive (sic) talked to a fee (sic) different fire fighters. It’s one thing to stay at a distance but you were very close.”