New Water Reduction Mandate Has Smaller Cuts For Some Cities

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – California regulators are offering a new plan for mandatory water reductions that would require some cities to conserve even more while reducing conservation targets for others.

The State Water Resources Control Board released the new water reduction targets on Saturday after cities blasted an earlier proposal as unfair and unrealistic.

The targets are based on per-capita water use last summer. The revised plan cuts water reduction goals for major cities including Los Angeles and San Diego. Other cities, however, are expected to conserve even more; between 8 to 36 percent cuts, based on water usage and conservation.

Communities that have already been conserving water received lower targets, while ares considered water wasters — in the Bay Area, communities such as Atherton — could be hit harder.

The water conservation plan comes in response to Gov. Jerry Brown’s executive order mandating a 25 percent cutback in urban water use.

The board is expected to vote on the regulations in early May. Water cutbacks would start in June if the regulations are approved.

Click here to view the proposed water usage tiers to see how your community’s water supplier could be hit for reductions.