New Mexico restaurant will turn into ‘Los Pollos Hermanos’ for Breaking Bad anniversary

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (KRQE) Breaking Bad fans will have the chance to celebrate the hit series’ 10-year-anniversary on Jan. 20 at Los Pollos Hermanos.

Super fans Edward Candelaria and Marq Smith, of Albuquerque, are paying to transform a Twisters restaurant, 4257 Isleta Blvd., into the iconic Los Pollos Hermanos as it appeared during filming years ago. The outside will be updated with a Los Pollos Hermanos sign and the two already made the employee uniforms.

“We’re going to look like Los Pollos Hermanos. We’ll have the sign. All the cashiers will be wearing yellow shirts, the aprons and hats,” general manager Reuben Zaragoza said.

It will be a recreation of the restaurant business that character Gustavo Fring, a meth distributor, used as a front to trick the DEA.

Locals want to continue the excitement the show has brought to the Duke City and the timing could not be better.

“‘Better Call Saul’ is in town filming so if any of the cast members want to show up, hey, we’ll buy you a burrito,” Edward Candelaria said.

People will be able to catch the recreated Los Pollos Hermanos at the Twisters on Isleta Blvd. on Jan. 20 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Candelaria and Smith will also be dressed as the “chicken brothers” for more photo ops, plus there will be cake and a raffle and the two hinted that there might be special guest appearances.

Twisters says it doesn’t know yet if “Better Call Saul” will film at the restaurant for this fourth season which started production in Albuquerque this week.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: