An animal shelter in New York City is trying to raise money to save a dog who was the victim of a bad break up.

Champ, was found by Animal Control officers earlier this week after a passerby noticed him in the yard in Laurens, SC.  Animal Control officers said he was near death when they found him.

The woman accused of nearly killing Champ with starvation has been arrested.  Elizabeth James was charged with animal cruelty by Animal Control in Laurens, South Carolina.

Authorities said James refused to feed the dog when she and her ex-boyfriend, who was Champ’s owner, broke up because it was his dog and she was mad.  James did, however, feed her dogs, police said.

The ex-boyfriend left Champ in James’ care.

When Champ was found, he was near death, authorities said. He was taken to the vet; he was weak, his gums were very pale, and he was covered in maggots; even in his mouth. 

According to Animal Control, the 16-month-old Mastiff mix was only 50 pounds. A normal weight for the pup would have been 110 pounds.

Authorities weren’t sure if they could save Champ, but vets and staff at Rescue Dogs Rock NYC are doing everything in their power to try to give the pup the life he deserves.  So far Rescue Dogs Rock NYC has raised over $10,000 to go toward his care.

To donate money for Champ’s care go here.