LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – A pedestrian safety event in Las Vegas Tuesday nearly took a disastrous turn.

A Clark County School District police officer was dressed as a fairy and using a crosswalk to illustrate the dangers of crossing Boulder Highway. Already this year, four pedestrians and one bicyclist have been killed and four others have been injured on the busy street.

A woman, Tammy Wotton, was nearly struck by a semi-truck while using the crosswalk just moments after she finished an interview with local television stations in which she spoke about how scary it is to cross that street.

The frightening incident happened just as Erin Breen with the Vulnerable Road Users Project was beginning her interview. Watch behind Breen as Wotton begins walking across the crosswalk.

(Video courtesy: KINC-TV)

The officer dressed as a “traffic fairy” then safely escorted Wotton across the street.

Just a few weeks ago, a young man and a baby in a stroller were hit in that same crosswalk. Both suffered critical injuries.