Video of worker kicking cat at home goes viral; company receives death threats

LAS VEGAS (KLAS) – Social media outrage over a disturbing video of a man kicking a cat has produced a public relations nightmare for a Nevada pest control company.

What makes it even more upsetting to people who saw the video is the fact that the man was wearing a work uniform from Williams Pest Control. Now, people are asking for clients to boycott the business.

The incident happened last month, and over the past few days the video has gone viral.

In the video, the cat can be seen walking with the worker. Then the worker stops and looks around. When he doesn’t see anyone, he turns and kicks the cat violently. Then he simply walks off.

The owner says the cat is doing fine.

The cat’s owner did not want to go on camera, but he said he got in touch with the pest control company and they have not been cooperative. He just wants to make sure this doesn’t happen again.

Kaelynn Williams, the owner of Williams Pest Control, responded to a KLAS reporter seeking comment. “Thank you for your concern and help. This has been devastating for us, and we have no tolerance for animal cruelty,” Williams wrote.

Williams added that the person in the video is not currently employed at Williams Pest Control, and that the company has done everything they can to resolve what happened.

The company said they simply want to provide a good business service for their customers and they are deeply saddened by the actions on the video.

“We’ve gotten death threats,” Royce Williams, president of the company said. “It’s non-stop calls and emails and texts.”

The cat’s owner is keeping her indoors so something like this never happens again.