Some airports want to add a higher fee to your plane ticket, so they can pay for infrastructure upgrades.

Airports and some business groups are pushing Congress to let them raise the “passenger facility charge.”

But some travel groups say plane tickets are already expensive enough — and consumers shouldn’t have to pay even more. The price of your plane ticket could be going up.

Kevin Foley is the executive director of the Des Moines International Airport — which he says needs a new terminal.

“Today, almost every airport is in the same position. We’re out of room in our terminals, they’re aging, they’re starting to crumble,” said Foley. 

That’s why he and other business leaders are pushing Congress to raise the “Passenger Charge Fee.” The “PCF” is a fee on your plane ticket that goes toward airport infrastructure and upkeep. It’s been capped at $4.50 for nearly two decades. Foley wants it raised to $8.50.

“It’s vital. If it doesn’t happen we aren’t going to see a new terminal,” said Foley. 

Jay Byers, CEO of an Iowa economic and development group….says Des Moines is growing so fast, it needs a new terminal to stay competitive.

“We’re hitting capacity,” said Byers. “Airport infrastructure is critical to economic development. $25 for a bag…or a couple dollars to have a world-class infrastructure. I think it’s a pretty easy case to make.”

But some travelers advocates say nearly doubling the fee will add up quickly.

“We see that increase as a drastic drastic item that’s just not necessary,” said Shane Downey with the Global Business Travel Association. He said the need for airport upgrades is overblown.

The House passed its FAA reauthorization bill without the PCF increase, but supporters hope the Senate includes it in its version of the bill.