It may look scary, but don’t worry, it tastes like chicken.

A post advertising a “raw chicken teddy bear” on Facebook Marketplace has been removed from the site after going viral this week, WGNO originally reported. 

“For sale: raw chicken teddy bear,” the post read, according to the report. 

The strange toy was the brainchild of a user named  “Maggie from Metairie.”  It costs $35 or $25, if the buyer is willing to supply their own chicken.

Maggie said she has “plenty of extra parts” and “can make 2 bears,” from just one chicken. 

The post quickly went viral with many taking to Twitter to express their shock and dismay.

Some users pointed out the sale was fake, saying the chicken featured in the photo was actually a piece of art by Russian artist Viktor Ivanov. 

According to WGNO, the ad said chicken bears are edible and can be cooked. “A great family activity,” the post said. But it never mentioned how the artist planned to ship the raw chicken, which are known to contain potentially harmful bacteria, to buyers.