Democratic House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is speaking out about the allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Pelosi joined Mayor London Breed on Wednesday afternoon in San Francisco at a neighborhood event in the Mission District.

Leader Pelosi wants to know what they are hiding and says Judge Kavanaugh should take a lie detector test.

Among dozens of students and faculty of Buena Vista Horace Mann Community School, Democratic Leader Pelosi and San Francisco Mayor London Breed celebrated a $6 million grant given to the city’s Mission Promise Neighborhood Organization.

After the ribbon cutting, Pelosi answered questions about Judge Kavanaugh and the sexual allegations made against him.

“What are they hiding?” Pelosi said. “If they don’t have anything to hide, they should make the paperwork known. If he doesn’t have anything to hide, Judge Kavanaugh should subject himself to a lie detector test just the way Dr. Ford did. She had a lie detector test. She passed it. Why doesn’t he subject himself to one? So, they’re hiding the paperwork. They’re hiding from a lie detector test and they’re saying we are going to do this on an accelerated rate, and if she doesn’t comply with the way we see it on the Republican side of the aisle, then she isn’t going to be able to be heard. That’s shameful.”

She says while the president has the authority to make an appointment, there should be a background check made by the FBI.

“All of the sudden they’re saying with this particular nominee, ‘We are not going to show you the documentation of what his record is. We are not going to have a thorough background check by the FBI, and we are going to hold a person who has an allegation against him to do a different standard,'” Pelosi said. “It’s really shameful.”

At the end of the day, Pelosi says all she is looking for is the truth.