Man to drink only beer during Lent

An Ohio man has given up food for Lent and is planning to live off of beer for the next month and a half. 

For breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Del Hall will be only drinking beer.  

“I’m going to have all styles of beer,” said Hall. “I am nervous, I’m very nervous about it, I’ve only fasted for four days.”

From four to 46 days for Lent, Hall is taking a nod from monks in the 1600’s who would fast during the season by a bock beer diet. 

“That would be their liquid bread and that’s what they call it,” said Hall. “So the monks in Bavaria, they would call doppelbock liquid bread and basically it would sustain them through 46 days of Lent.”

Hall knows people think he is crazy, but he has a game plan and wants to see if he can prove to himself that it’s possible. 

“I’m an army veteran, so you know, I was number one in my class in the army,” said Hall. “I’ve run a full marathon before, 26.2 miles. I’ve done big challenges but this seems very daunting so I’m just curious if I’m up to the challenge if I’m going to be able to do it or not.”

Hall will be keeping track of his health and checking in with physicians as he moves forward with his fast. 

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