A mother is upset after her 4-year-old came home from daycare with several missing teeth.

Her daughter says a boy pushed her down, causing the injuries.

But daycare administrators tell a different story

Heaven`s’ been at home because her mom says on Mar. 1, she could not believe her little girl came home from daycare with three front teeth missing, a busted lip, and a swollen, bloody nose.

“Yes, I’m upset,” mother Donisha Franklin said. “I’m afraid for my child.”

Heaven told her mom she was in the daycare`s gym after school when a boy beat her up.

“She said one of the students from her class pushed her down and knocked her teeth out,” Franklin said.

Franklin says these are pictures of her daughter`s injuries.

She also says her daughter told her after the incident. Her teacher put a cold towel on her injuries.

This mom`s furious for many reasons:

“This is another 4-year-old child that we’re talking about,” Franklin said. “I never received a call about the incident at all. When something like that happens, you would think that they would have certain procedures that they have to follow.”

But David Walker, the daycare`s overseer and pastor of the adjoining church, says Heaven caused her injuries when she fell.

On Friday, Walker didn`t want to talk on camera, but he says no other child was involved in the incident.

“Kids play all the time and fall down, but the way that her mouth was and her teeth missing? No, I don`t believe that,” Walker said.

The disappointed mom has since removed her daughter from the daycare and sought counseling for her child.

“She`s afraid to go back to the school,” Franklin said. “She says the monsters are going to get her. Her exact words. I don`t want to take the chance on my child`s life.’