How to adopt dogs that failed government training for being too ‘nice’

Not every dog is cut out to be a service dog, but that’s okay! 

Many dogs do graduate and go on to have successful careers, but others, for whatever reasons from nervousness to being too “nice,” fail training. 

For example, one puppy gained worldwide attention for being a bit too friendly for the Queensland Dog Squad, according to the BBC, but he went on to join Queensland’s Government House as the official Vice-Regal dog. 

One option is TSA — did you know the agency has an adoption program for drug-sniffing dogs that didn’t make it to graduation? 

You can also adopt “career change” dogs, or dogs who weren’t cut out for their “jobs.”

One option is Mission K9, which works to find older service dogs homes for a well-deserved retirement. 

Freedom Service Dogs of America trains shelter dogs to become service dogs but give those who don’t make the cut up for adoption to interested families. 

Service Dogs Inc. also puts up rescue dogs for adoption who didn’t end up making it through service training. 

If you’re local, you can also check out Muttville Senior Dog Rescue to find a new furry friend.