DENVER, CO. (CNN) — An Aurora mother is upset at her daughter’s school bus driver.

She says her daughter was seriously hurt on the bus ride home from school, even falling unconcsious.

She also says the bus driver never called for help and even refused to help her child off the bus.

Serenity Vann is home now, sitting on the same couch where she laid unconscious a week ago.

“She was laying on my couch, convulsing she was not breathing right. Her eyes were open. She looked dead. Completely dead,” he mom Stephanie Vann said.

Serenity says she was laying on one of the bus seats.

Her classmate went to help her up but lost her hand and she fell backwards, hitting the window.

That’s the last thing she remembers until she was inside her home.

“I was laying down on the floor and a bunch of people were surrounding me,” the child said.

Her mom says the bus driver wouldn’t call 911 nor did she help 8-year-old in her home.

Zuart Martinez, 10, and two others did.

“We got her in the house and she was staring and like she was not doing nothing and then after that, her eyes were open,” Martinez said.

Stephanie Vann was at work when she got a call from her other daughter, also on the bud home from Arkansas Elementary.

“She just left, she just left my kid she didn’t wait to see if I was here or anything,” the mother said.

In a statement, Aurora Public Schools said:

“The safety of our students is our top priority. In this case, the bus driver did call dispatch for help. We are reviewing whether and how protocols were followed. We are also looking into what additional professional development and follow up may be needed.”

Stephanie Vann says the school has apologized to her, but it doesn’t change what happened to her daughter and it haunts her.

“I can’t sleep some times. I make her sleep with me in my room and I wake up 3-4 times a night to make sure she is still breathing,” Stephanie Vann said.

Stephanie Vann took her daughter to the hospital once she was off the bus and she was diagnosed with a concussion.

Serenity has recovered and is back to taking the bus.

She says the bus driver is not on that route anymore.

The school district did not respond when asked what the driver’s status is now.

Police say they’re not investigating because nothing criminal took place.