SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) – Dog owners are being advised not to feed their dogs pig ear treats amid a growing salmonella outbreak.

Both the CDC and FDA have issued new guidance rules saying consumers should avoid the treats and that retailers should stop selling them.

This comes after a multistate outbreak of human salmonella infections and a suspected link to contact with the popular dog treat.

Officials said this warning is directed at pet owners, as 127 people nationwide so far have been infected with salmonella and have been hospitalized, according to the CDC.

>> Click here to learn more about the pig ear recall.

According to the CDC, symptoms of salmonella in humans include diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps, and they usually develop within 12 to 72 hours after infection.

As for your furry friends, dogs may have salmonella but may not look sick, the CDC said. Look out for diarrhea that may contain blood or mucus.

Affected animals may seem more tired than usual and may also have a fever or vomit, officials added.

The FDA and CDC are advising pet owners to throw away any pig ear treats or secure them away in a container so your pets or other animals can not eat them.

Officials also advise you wash containers, shelves, and areas that held any pig ear dog treats with hot soap and water.

Also be sure to wash your hands after handling any of the above items or areas.

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