Caught on camera: Business surveillance shows customer throw doughnuts at employee over face masks

EL PASO, Texas (KTSM)–Local business Dapper Doughnuts at the Fountains at Farah said customers retaliated after they were asked to put their face masks on inside the building.

In surveillance footage obtained by KTSM, a couple appears to be arguing with Dapper Doughnut staff.

As KTSM reported, the City of El Paso mandated face coverings, directing over the age of two to wear face masks inside public buildings or public outdoors spaces if social distancing is not an option.

This was adjusted to include Gov. Greg Abbott’s executive order where counties with more than 20 coronavirus cases need to wear a fac over the nose and mouth while in a business or other building open to the public. First-time offenders could get a warning after that individuals face a fine of up to $250.

Lauren Keener, a supervisor at Dapper Doughnuts said she asked a couple who was waiting for their order to put their face masks on or they could wait outside.

“I handed her her doughnuts and she got very confrontational with me and told me you cant speak to your customers like this and then proceeded to throw the box at me,” Keener said.

The confrontation caught on surveillance video, where a woman can be seen throwing a box over the plexiglass towards the employee. Management said the couple then demanded a refund.

“When I told him I couldn’t give him the refund he got angry and grabbed the mug and asked how much it was and when I told him how much, he took it as payment I guess for us not giving his refund,” Keener said.

Keener said since the City mandated face masks, they’ve struggled with patrons ignoring the rule.

“There are always those people that like to get confrontational with you even if it’s just verbally and they’ll say ‘fine I’ll just leave home without doughnuts today,’ and I’ll say that’s fine I’m just trying to keep my employees and customers safe as possible,” Keener said.

Despite a near box to the face, Keener said she’ll continue enforcing the rule at Dapper Doughnuts.

“I definitely feel that I should continue to ask people to wear their masks because its not just me that I have to worry about, it’s my fellow employees, it’s the people coming into the restaurant to just get some doughnuts,” Keener said.

Dapper Doughnuts said they contacted both Fountains at Farah security and the El Paso Police Department over the coffee tumbler the couple reportedly stole as collateral.

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