(CNN) — The devastated parents of a toddler who died trying to save his puppy from a house fire are opening up about their extraordinary loss.

“I was with him everyday,” said mother Deshay Wilson about her son Loki.

Everything was lost in the fire that erupted on Saturday but none of the families possessions mattered compared to the loss of Loki.

“He was just a spunky little funky boy,” the mother said. 

“He was definitely one of the greatest little helpers if you were working on something,” said the boy’s dad, Kurtis Sharp. 

Amid the chaos trying to put the fire out and calling for help, the parents say Loki ran back inside to try and save the family’s 6-month-old puppy.

“They basically tried to save each other,” Wilson said. 

Loki was Wilson’s first baby and says she remembers the last thing they did before the fire.

“Played with chickens, and he raked leaves, that was one of the last things he did. He was just barely learning how to talk,” she said. 

The 23-month-old had 8 other brothers and sisters, some who witnessed the painful night.

“They’re taking it really hard right now, they’re blaming themselves for a lot of it. They haven’t been in school or any of that. They can’t even go. His little sister, she’s not even a year old yet, she doesn’t even sleep through the night anymore. She wakes up having nightmares and screaming and crying for her brother,” Wilson said. 

Right now the the family are staying with relatives near where the fire happened, both Deshay and Kurtis say they can’t look at their home without breaking down.

“I want to burn it to the ground honestly. ’cause every time I look at it, it’s all it reminds me of,” she said. 

“The inside is completely gone. The outside structure is standing but that’s about it,” Sharp said.

The parents have this message for everyone who has children of their own.

“Cherish your kids. You never know when they’ll be gone. Never take them for granted,” Wilson said. 

The fire is still under investigation, but the family says it was an electrical fire.

A visitation for Loki takes place Friday and the funeral is Saturday.