NEWTON, Mass. (KRON) – The driver of a Tesla apparently on autopilot was caught on camera sleeping behind the wheel while traveling on a Massachusetts highway.
Fellow motorist Dakota Randall tweeted the video showing the driver’s head slumped forward, with the passenger also asleep, along Interstate 90 over the weekend.
“Some guy literally asleep at the wheel on the Mass Pike (great place for it),” tweeted fellow motorist Dakota Randall. “Teslas are sick, I guess?”
Randall guessed he and the Tesla were both going about 60 mph through Newton at the time. He said he tried to wake up the daredevil drivers by honking — but “it didn’t work at all,” he told WYCN.
“I kind of looked over and saw what I thought was somebody asleep at the wheel and I was like that can’t be right, so I did a double-take, looked over and sure enough this guy was just, head between his legs completely asleep,” Randall said.
“Autopilot is intended for use with a fully attentive driver, who has their hands on the wheel and is prepared to take over at any time,” Tesla states on its website.
A Tesla driver in California was also caught on camera apparently asleep behind the wheel.
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