SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (KRON) – Turn up the boombox and grab your favorite scrunchie because the ’80s are back. American Girl added a new doll to its historical character collection, and she’s like totally rad!
Courtney Moore™ embodies the ’80s with her hot-pink tights, pink scrunchie, and bright blue crop top. According to American Girl, Courtney loves renting movies on the weekends, going to the mall, and is a video-game lover.
According to the press release from Mattel, Courtney doesn’t just want to play video-games, she wants to make them. She looks up to her mom who is running for mayor, which emphasizes the historical importance of women in government.
The historical doll collection is timeless. Each doll brings to life an important era, keeping the past alive while helping girls overcome their current struggles.
To help launch the doll, American Girl partnered with legendary 80s all-female band The Go-Gos.
To celebrate this new doll, American Girl also partnered with Girls Who Code, a nonprofit organization hoping to increase the number of women in computer science.