San Mateo County (KRON)– A mountain lion was seen crossing the road near the Miramontes Ridge Open Space Preserve in San Mateo County Sunday evening.

The mountain lion was spotted around 6:50 p.m., but the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office wasn’t called about the sighting until around 8:45 p.m.

The caller reported seeing the big cat near Skyline Boulevard, or state Highway 35, and Misty Ridge Road.

After crossing the road, the mountain lion was seen walking into the brush.

This is the latest in a handful of mountain lion sightings throughout the Penninsula.

Officials with the San Mateo County Sheriff’s Office remind people to keep a close eye on small children and pick them up in the event of a mountain lion encounter.

They also advise that people keep from hiking or jogging when mountain lions are most active, at dawn, dusk or after dark.