Mo’ne Davis asks college to re-instate player after derogatory tweet

(KRON) — Little league pitching phenom Mo’ne Davis is demonstrating unbelievable sportsmanship on and off the field.  She is asking a Bloomsburg University baseball player be re-instated after he was kicked off the team for an offensive tweet targeting the 13-year-old.

Sophomore first baseman Joey Casselberry  tweeted: “Disney is making a movie about Mo’Ne Davis? WHAT A JOKE. That slut got rocked by Nevada [in the LLWS].”

Casselberry was immediately removed from the team, but Davis made a request that he be re-instated.

“I know he didn’t mean it in that type of way, and I know a lot of people get tired of like seeing me on TV but just think about what you’re doing before you actually do it. I know right now he’s really hurt and I know how hard he worked just to get where he is right now.” she said.

“Everyone makes mistakes and I know if it was me I would want to take that back,” Davis said. “I know … [he would do anything] just to take that one tweet back and I know how hard he’s worked. Why not give him a second chance?”

Bloomsburg University released a statement saying, “Mo’ne Davis has reached out to Bloomsburg University asking that Joey Casselberry’s dismissal from the team be reconsidered. Her request demonstrates the type of person she is, her level of maturity and the empathy that her family and coach teach her. Bloomsburg University stands firm on our decision; however, his consequences will be reviewed as is common in disciplinary actions like this.”