Mom breaks down after seeing her 3-year-old do lockdown drill

NATIONAL (KRON) — A mother thought her 3-year-old daughter was just being silly and cute when she saw her standing on their toilet at home one day but learned she was practicing a lockdown drill.

At first mother, Stacey Feeley, found humor in her daughter standing on the toilet in their Michigan home and decided to take a picture.

But Feeley learned her daughter was practicing a lockdown drill she learned in school. She was practicing hiding from a potential attacker.

Feeley broke down when she realized what her young daughter was actually doing.

Feeley’s Facebook post is getting national and international attention.

Many people who live outside of America are commenting on her post, surprised at the reality of a young child having to practice a lockdown drill.

Feeley published her post three days after the Orlando shooting, the most deadly mass shooting in U.S. history

“Politicians – take a look. This is your child, your children, your grandchildren, your great grand children and future generations to come,” Feeley typed. “They will live their lives and grow up in this world based on your decision.”

Feeley’s post went viral after thousands of Facebook users reacted to it.

Users commented on her post, describing how they could not comprehend the relationship Americans have with firearms and the Second Amendment.

Others commented on her post, saying they had done lockdown drills in their youths years earlier.