LOS ANGELES (KSNW) – An L.A. meteorologist’s dress prompted a conversation on work attire over the weekend in what is now being called #sweatergate.
KTLA meteorologist, Liberte Chan, was in her live weather forecast Saturday when a pair of hands holding a gray sweater appeared to the side of the frame.
Chan asked why she was being told to put on the sweater. “We’ve been getting a lot of emails,” the man holding the sweater said.
Chan laughed and said she looked, “like a librarian,” to which the man replied, “That works.”
After the incident, social media lit up accusing Chan of wearing inappropriate work attire, but also accusing her coworkers of mishandling the situation by addressing it on air.
According to Chan, she had been wearing a different dress, but had to change because it did not work with the green screen technology.
Even if it’s early in the AM, can’t beat a black beaded dress @KTLAMorningNews @AidanMattox @PistolandStamen pic.twitter.com/HYy1KUMYH1
– Liberté Chan (@libertechan) May 14, 2016
On her blog Chan wrote
“For the record, there is no controversy at KTLA. My bosses did not order me to put on the cardigan, it was a spontaneous moment. I truly love my job, I like my bosses and enjoy working with my coworkers. Since talking to my team, I want our viewers to know it was never our intention to offend anyone. We are friends on and off the air and if you watch our newscast, you know that.”
I find @KTLA‘s response to #sweatergate refreshing. The sweater was a jab at complainers, and done in good humor. https://t.co/8Fht6vqzVf
– Joe (@htown_Joe) May 15, 2016
#sweatergate sexism. public shaming. Over what? Arms? What exactly is problematic here? https://t.co/fatkxZZdW2
– Cath’s Take (@CathsTake) May 15, 2016
Hmm, interesting. #sweatergate https://t.co/61mrRPuTrt Hope the jerk gets fired for humiliating her live.
– Marie CryingBear (@BadponyMedicine) May 16, 2016