PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) – Medical care for pets has improved over the years, and many pet owners don’t hold back when it comes to the health of their furry friends.

But would you ever consider getting braces for your dog?
Dr. Moore, a “doggie dentist” with Michigan’s Harborfront Hospital for Animals, is helping Wesley the Golden Retriever overcome health issues through orthodontics.
“Orthodontia in pets is normally not for aesthetic purposes, but because of health concerns,” the veterinary clinic posted on its Facebook page. “[Wesley] needed tooth alignment because he could not close his mouth completely.”
Harborfront Hospital says the correction will be brief, and Wesley will only have to wear his doggie braces for a few weeks.
His doctors say he’s not bothered one bit by his metal mouth.
“He’s a happy little guy,” the Facebook post states.
Dr. Moore provides other dental services for dogs including root canals, often necessary because of pain, and oral surgery to remedy things like fractured jaws.