SALINAS (BCN) — A man who allegedly boarded a bus with a replica firearm was arrested in Salinas Tuesday afternoon after a nearby school was locked down,

according to police.

Around 1:45 p.m. officers were notified that a man was urinating in front of children near a liquor store. A subsequent caller indicated that the suspect also had two guns.

A bus driver flagged down an officer on South Main Street to report that a man on the bus was armed. Police believe it was the same suspect from the liquor store, later identified as 59-year-old Vicente Vistal.

Responding officers locked down a nearby high school, evacuated a bus and used a K9 to take Vistal into custody after he exited the bus and allegedly became uncooperative.

Vistal was found to be in possession of a fake gun, police said. He was treated for minor injuries and arrested on suspicion of probation violation and resisting arrest.