SONOMA (BCN) — Police arrested a man who was sitting in a truck in Sonoma for more than two hours with a loaded shotgun early Wednesday morning, Sonoma police Chief Bret Sackett said.

Employees of the Safeway store at 477 W. Napa St. called police around 4 a.m. to report a man was sitting in the parking lot in a Dodge truck with the engine running and the headlights on for more than two hours, Sackett said.

The employees thought the man might be having a medical emergency, and Sonoma County sheriff’s deputies contacted 49-year-old Salvador Calvillo-Perez of El Verano, Sackett said.

The deputies noticed a partially concealed shotgun in the truck and ordered Perez out of the vehicle. As he got out of the truck, Perez grabbed the barrel of the shotgun, but deputies were able to take it and wrestle Perez to the ground, Sackett said.

Perez kept one hand under his body near his waistband and refused to be handcuffed. A deputy, fearing Perez was trying to reach for another gun, struck Perez in the elbow with his flashlight, Sackett said.

The elbow strike had no effect, and a deputy then shot Perez with a Taser stun gun. Perez was then subdued and handcuffed, the chief said.

There were seven rounds of 12-gauge shells in the shotgun including one in the chamber. Deputies learned the gun was stolen in Sacramento County, Sackett said.

Perez was booked into Sonoma County Jail on suspicion of possession of a loaded firearm in a vehicle, possession of a stolen firearm and resisting arrest. He is being held under $10,000 bail.

The Sonoma County Sheriff’s Office provides police services to the city of Sonoma.