GLENDALE, Calif. (AP) – A former Glendale city manager says the city should pay him $1 million because his wife died after a wheelchair accident on an uneven sidewalk.
The Los Angeles Times reported Sunday that James Starbird and his two sons filed the claim.
The claim says that Starbird was pushing his wife, Carolyn, in March when her wheelchair hit an uneven section and she tumbled forward and stuck her head on the concrete. She suffered a severe concussion and died shortly afterward.
Starbird’s attorney, Steven Glickman, says the city is ignoring dangerous conditions.
City attorney Mike Garcia declined to comment on the claim.
Roubik Golanian, Glendale’s public works director, says the city fixes damaged sidewalks within a day of learning about problems.
Starbird served nearly 14 years as city manager, until 2011.