MONTEREY COUNTY (BCN) — A Merced man faces up to four years in state prison after being found guilty on a handful of guns and weapons charges, Monterey County
District Attorney Dean Flippo announced Wednesday.
Juilan Ramos, 27, has been convicted of possession of heroin, possession of heroin while armed, possession of methamphetamine and carrying a loaded firearm in a vehicle.
On Aug. 7, 2014, Monterey County Sheriff’s Office deputies came into contact with Ramos and a passenger who were in a vehicle and parked at a Prundale Chevron station.
Prosecutors said deputies detected an odor of marijuana and saw loose ammunition in the vehicle’s center console.
During a subsequent search, deputies found a loaded semi-automatic handgun, 7.10 grams of heroin, .63 of a gram a of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, prosecutors said.
Ramos is scheduled for sentencing on March 29.