(BCN)—A 22-year-old man who was arrested and convicted in Solano County earlier this year was quickly apprehended Sunday afternoon when he escaped from a Central Valley prison facility just hours earlier, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation.
At about 11:15 a.m., guards at the Deuel Vocational Institution, a minimum security facility located just outside of Tracy, were conducting an inmate count when they noticed that Gilberto Murillo-Padilla was missing, CDCR officials said.
Guards then alerted agents with the department’s Office of Correctional Safety, prompting them to initiate escape protocols.
At about 2:05 p.m., agents with the prison’s Investigative Service Unit along with San Joaquin County sheriff’s deputies located Murillo-Padilla just three miles from the prison. Investigators determined Murillo-Padilla had apparently walked away from the facility.
After being taken back into custody, authorities placed Murillo-Padilla in the prison’s administration segregation unit while CDCR officials continued to investigate the incident.
Murillo-Padilla began serving his two-year, eight-month sentence back in May after being convicted in Solano County Superior Court of burglary and evading a peace officer while driving recklessly.
He had been scheduled for parole next month, but in light of the recent escape he may face additional charges, CDCR officials said.