OAKLAND (BCN) — The California Highway Patrol detained a man suspected of fleeing

CHP officers at over 100 mph on Interstate Highway 580 in Oakland Wednesday morning, a CHP officer said.

The chase started on westbound I-580 near Grand Avenue when CHP

officers tried to pull over a driver in a silver Honda Civic, CHP Officer

Sean Wilkenfeld said.

The driver took off, driving away at over 100 mph. The CHP

officers tried to catch up with the fleeing driver, but the driver apparently

exited the highway, stopped the car and the three occupants ran.

CHP officers found the Civic abandoned near the corner of 37th and

West streets near the Emeryville border at about 11 a.m., Wilkenfeld said.

A man suspected to be the car’s driver was detained nearby. Two

passengers were not located after a search of the neighborhood.

CHP investigators have not determined why the driver fled the

officers and whether the man detained will be arrested. The car they were

driving was not reported stolen, Wilkenfeld said.

The car’s two passengers remain at large. Wilkenfeld could not

provide a description of them as of late this morning.