Louisiana teen arrested for cursing in front of senior citizen

LOUISIANA (WFLA) – An 18-year-old Louisiana man faces charges for disturbing the peace after he allegedly cursed near a senior citizen.

The Ouachita Citizen reports Jared Dylan Smith was arrested on a disorderly conduct charge on April 8.

According to the report, the complaint stated: “While standing next to my 75-year-old complainant, Jared yelled the word ‘f***’ and clearly disturbed her peace.”

No witnesses were present at the time.

Smith has reportedly denied the allegation. His bond was set at $200.

Louisiana law defines disturbing the peace as “addressing any offensive, derisive, or annoying words to any other person who is lawfully in any street, or other public place; or call him by any offensive or derisive name, or make any noise or exclamation in his presence and hearing with the intent to deride, offend, or annoy him, or to prevent him from pursuing his lawful business, occupation, or duty.”

If convicted, Smith could be fined up to $100 and may be required to spend up to 90 days in jail.WHAT OTHERS ARE CLICKING ON: