SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – Workers at the Zoo at Forest Park are trying for a second day to capture a monkey who escaped from his enclosure. They now have eyes on “Dizzy,” and are closer than ever before to getting him back safe inside his enclosure.

Zoo business manager Darlene Blaney told WWLP that they are using a mild tranquilizer and food to try to lure Dizzy out of the tree canopy and into his enclosure. Shortly before noontime, Dizzy jumped down off a tree canopy and onto the top of a monkey enclosure, where there are other monkeys.

The key to the success of this effort rests with the public. Zoo officials are asking everyone who has gathered outside of the zoo to stay quiet and avoid making any sudden movements.

Dizzy was scared off twice. Once by loud onlookers and most recently by a teenager who three a hat at dizzy as he was about to reenter his habitat.

Zoo officials are assuring the public that Dizzy does not pose a threat. The 12 pound monkey is naturally territorial, and only wants to reenter his habitat of he feels it is safe.

On Tuesday night the zoo lit up his habitat and put apricots inside to make it more appealing to him.

Zoo officials have delayed the opening of the zoo until Dizzy is safely back home.