A warning on Tuesday night for taxi drivers at San Francisco International Airport: please use the bathroom or else face the consequences. 

It seems that some are declining to use the facilities and instead urinating in public as they wait to pick people up.

KRON4 has the letter sent out to taxi drivers and what they’re saying on Tuesday night. 

This is in response to SFO sending out a warning to taxi drivers, requesting them to stop using the outside parking structure as a bathroom. 

KRON4 has obtained the e-mail. It states, “Airport staff has noticed an increased rate of urination and defecation in the rear of SFO taxi lot No. 3 and nearby stairwells. This creates a highly unsanitary condition and a health hazard for SFO custodians.

The statement goes on to say taxi drivers are reminded that the nearby restroom is open 24/7. 

Taxi drivers KRON4 spoke with would not go on camera but said if they leave to use the bathroom, they will lose their place and subsequently lose a potentially good fare. It is on average $45 to SFO.

Some drivers were hostile shouting that they will do whatever they want wherever they want.

They say these days they are in a fight to survive because of rideshare companies cutting into their salaries.  

SFO has a different perspective. 

The email goes on to say that they are now going to increase patrols and violators are subject to suspensions and or arrest.  

As far as those at SFO, most believed the matter was disgusting.