LOS ANGELES (AP) – O.J. Simpson’s former attorney Robert Shapiro says there’s a “strong possibility” that the person who killed Simpson’s ex-wife and her friend has never faced trial.

In an interview with Megyn Kelly broadcast Tuesday night on Fox, Shapiro says he thinks evidence shows it’s possible that more than one person was involved in the 1994 killings of Nicole Brown-Simpson and Ronald Goldman.

Shapiro also tells Kelly that Simpson whispered “you were right” in his ear in the moments after a jury acquitted him in 1995.

Simpson was later found liable for the deaths by a civil jury. He’s now serving prison time on a Nevada armed robbery conviction.

Shapiro didn’t offer his thoughts on John Travolta’s portrayal of him in “People vs. O.J. Simpson: American Crime Story,” the FX series that put the case back in the headlines.