Krispy Kreme to the rescue! 

After photos of Lexington Police Department officers “mourning” the loss of some Krispy Kreme doughnuts went viral, the doughnut chain itself decided to save the day and come to the aid of these cheeky law enforcement officers! 

The photos of the officers posted on Monday showed several of them “crying” over a burned-out doughnut truck and quickly went viral nationwide. 

Krispy Kreme was quick to respond on social media, saying “We’re thinking of you during this difficult time… and have more doughnuts on the way!” 

Of course Krispy Kreme stuck to their word and soon afterward the officers were photographed smiling and enjoying some deep fried goodness.

“The impact of the tragedy was felt not just across the country, but around the globe. We are grateful to so many who helped ease the pain of a doughnut-sized hole in our hearts. And of course, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. Your delivery of fresh doughnuts provided a sprinkling of joy at the East Sector police station, filling officers with joy and warming our souls. Thank you,” the department posted on Facebook early Thursday. 

Way to go, Krispy Kreme!