CHICAGO (AP) — With renewed pledges on mass deportations, immigrant rights activists have fine-tuned and ramped up one of their most basic organizing tools: the know-your-rights training.

From Los Angeles to Atlanta, advocates and attorneys have brought civil rights workshops to schools, churches, storefronts and consulates, tailoring their efforts on what to do if U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officers show up at home or on the road.

The activists from organizations big and small have role played interactions, handed out pocket guides, provided hotlines, hosted webinars and offered scripts on what to say.

The result, advocates argue, is more savvy immigrants who are increasingly refusing to open their doors or provide information.

It’s something they hope will blunt any impact of a planned deportation effort that President Donald Trump says he’s delaying.

Trump said in a tweet Saturday he would delay the sweep for two weeks to give lawmakers time to discuss border solutions.