As always, keeping your kids safe is a top priority on Wednesday on Halloween.

KRON4 has important tips you should know before you let your kids knock on strangers’ doors.

On the Megan’s Law website, you can type in your zip code and see where registered sex offenders are currently living in your neighborhood. 

If you click on the dots, you will get detailed information, like the exact address and a picture of the registered sex offender.

“That is an available public tool for parents,” Dublin Police Department Lt. Victor Fox said.

Lt. Fox offers additional tips for parents on Halloween night.

“We want parents to be on their kids,” Lt. Fox said. “It’s dark. Stick to the sidewalks.”

Lt. Fox also says parents can help keep their kids safe by making smart costume selections. 

“Avoid the big masks,” Lt. Fox said. “Keep their vision clear. Check their candy. Make sure it’s sealed.”