There are only two remaining Republican candidates in the race for California governor.

That’s compared to more than half a dozen Democrats running.

One of the GOP candidates is San Diego County businessman John Cox.

“California has a bunch of cronies and corrupt politicians that are nothing but professional fundraisers,” Cox tells KRON4. 

Cox’s campaign is fighting against taxes and a belief of state corruption.

“I’m running for governor against five politicians who are continuing to do the same things over and over again and expecting different results,” Cox said. 

Despite a U.S. New report ranking California as the 4th best economy in the United States, Cox believes California is not open for business. 

“I think businesses are leaving left and right,” Cox said. “We’ve regulated them out of the state. We’ve made costs so prohibitive that their employees can’t afford to live here.” 

Cox believes special interest money is the problem. 

His solution? 

“What you need to do is greatly reduce the demand for money,” Cox said. “And how do you do that? You make all the districts so small like the size of neighborhoods.” 

He has pushed for a statewide initiative which failed this month to make the November ballot. But he still pushed on. 

“The attitude here is that small business funds the operations of the Capitol and not the other way around,” Cox said. 

Watch Kody’s full interview with Cox below: 
