WALNUT CREEK (BCN) — A suspect was arrested Tuesday evening at a Walnut Creek Jack in the Box restaurant for a killing in Antioch, police said.

Walnut Creek police received an anonymous tip at 6 p.m. that a suspect wanted on three offenses including homicide and carrying a concealed weapon was at the restaurant at 2295 North Main St.

Officers arrested 20-year-old Antioch man and Jack in the Box employee Ronvell Scheneck and booked him the county jail on $1.015 million bail for the warrants and a probation violation.

Police said they got little cooperation from the restaurant managers who refused to allow officers in the back of the restaurant where Scheneck had been.

Police had recently spoken with another employee who yelled obscenities at officers from the drive-thru window as officers were outside handling an unrelated situation.

Scheneck had previously been arrested on Jan. 3 after a woman was injured in a shooting that afternoon during an argument at the Delta Pines apartment complex at 2301 Sycamore Drive in Antioch.

The woman, 19, was injured in the stomach. The injuries were not considered life-threatening.

Scheneck was one of four people police arrested in the incident.