OAKLAND (KRON) — Investigators are using special imaging of the Ghost Ship in an attempt to pinpoint the cause of the deadly Oakland warehouse fire.

Engineers are also examining the warehouse’s electrical system after the devastating fire took the lives of 36 people last Friday.

The investigators are compiling images to feed into a computer program to create an image of the Ghost Ship, which had been converted into illegal live/work spaces for artists.

A refrigerator was being examined as a potential source of the fire but has since been officially ruled out. ATF investigators will continue looking at other appliances like space heaters.

The special imaging along with other technology are being used in hopes of providing a clue into the origin of the fire.

So far, we know that the fire started in the back of the building.

A former tenant called the Ghost Ship a death trap. There were no sprinklers or fire alarm system in the building.

Investigators have not found evidence of arson, but she said they have also not ruled it out.