SAN FRANCISCO (KRON) — A viral video showing two San Francisco State students arguing about who has a right to wear dreadlocks continues to spark interest on social media.

The viral video posted to Youtube on Monday has already received 1.7 million views.

Police are still investigating whether there was an assault in this case. They have confirmed the woman involved is a student named Bonita Tindle.

She is the one suggesting in the video it is inappropriate for Cory Goldstein to have dreadlocks because it is not part of his culture. Goldstein has chosen not to press charges, but the person shooting the video does want to press charges because of what appears to be Tindle grabbing his phone at the end of the video.

The 46-second video shows an African-American student confronting Goldstein inside a campus hallway about his hair.

She tells him in the video that he is appropriating her culture, and when he tries to walk away, she obstructs his path.

“Yo, stop touching me right now,” Goldstein says as he tries to walk up the stairs. She then grabs his arm to keep him from leaving.

“I don’t need your disrespect,” Goldstein says as she releases her grip on him and he walks away.

The woman then notices someone recording the video and asks the unidentified cameraman why he was filming.

“Just for everyone’s safety,” the cameraman says before shutting off the camera.

The KRON4 Facebook page continues to generate comments about this video with 1,400 comments and 1,500 shares, as of 5:05 p.m Wednesday.

KRON reached out to people online who said they were at the scene. They have not gotten back to KRON.

KRON was not able to connect with the female student seen in the video.

Statement from SFSU:

We are aware of the video made of an incident which occurred on campus yesterday afternoon. University police were called to the scene of the incident when it occurred. The two individuals involved in the incident are not San Francisco State University employees. Further, no criminal charges have been pressed at this time to the University’s knowledge.

San Francisco State University promotes the rights of the campus community to engage in free speech, but does not condone behavior that impedes the safety or well-being of others. We are taking the matter seriously and will promptly and thoroughly investigate this incident through applicable University channels, including our campus student conduct procedures

The Associated Students of San Francisco State University has issued the following statement on the video:

Associated Students is aware of the situation that took place on Monday, March 28th, between three students in the Cesar Chavez Student Center. One of the students in the video, Ms. Tindle, is a student assistant employed by Associated Students, and was not acting on behalf of Associated Students in any capacity, when the incident occurred. We are in full cooperation with the investigation being conducted by the University, in order to ensure due process for these students involved.

Associated Students, Incorporated is a 501(c3) auxiliary nonprofit. Associated Students, the student government at San Francisco State University, serves as the official voice of the students. Associated Students promote an enriched cocurricular student life experience and is dedicated to the empowerment of SF State’s diverse student body through a commitment to social justice and shared governance. Associated Students provides and supports services programs, maintain fiduciary responsibility, and engage in campus-wide collaborations and external advocacy efforts.

Police report: